Friday 26 April 2019

Facebook - flawed, farcical, fucked

Social media - it's a strange term seemingly coined by the media to describe websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Presumably the "social" part refers to people interacting via post, photos, videos, blogs etc and the "media" part describes the various content of said posts. Whatever the intention of that description was, it has become woefully inaccurate. In many ways these sites are actually "anti-social" because they split people apart and drive wedges between otherwise communicative humans.
I used to have a Twitter account, well actually I still do, but I can't use it. Twitter permanently suspended my account which is a clever way of stopping you having freedom of expression whilst still allowing your account to exist, creating the illusion that you are a member and use their services. Great for their image and furthering their business but completely fucking useless for anyone who is suspended. They have actually "cancelled" my account because I can't use it in any way but they leave it "active" to further the illusion that I am still on there. They are doubly clever because they have a system which logs your IP address so even if you create another email address to sign up the system recognizes your IP address and prevents you signing up. Completely, totally and utterly unethical and contrary to the whole point of "social media" but they get away with it anyway.
So the only reason I was given for being suspended was something about using my account for "targeted hate speech or abuse" or something like that. Total bollocks of course but they have all the power so what can I do? I have filed countless appeals and offered the truth(something which these websites seem to have a worse aversion for than the smell of shit) but it's all meaningless. And why? Because the sites are run automatically, by algorithms, robots, anything but humans. So the paradox is that the sites are created for "humans" to interact with each other but no humans are involved in the sites other than the ones programming the robots and policing the members so you only get a black and white response which is all robots can understand or are programmed for.
So Twitter - FUCK YOU. I don't need you, nobody actually NEEDS you, but it was fun to post news items, family pictures, cute videos, interact with other people, a few jokes here and there. But Twitter isn't designed for freedom of expression or free speech, it's simply a money making venture. The revenue from ads and sponsored content obviously keeps them going because what are the overheads? Very few humans to pay and robots work for free.
Now, Facebook. Ooo boy, what a bunch of fucking cunts we have here. Run by robots no doubt but with some seriously nasty humans pulling the strings. These people must rank alongside the Gestapo as the most disgusting life forms that ever crawled from the proverbial swamp. I've had my Facebook account suspended many times and not one of them were justified. All it came down to was some insecure areshole who didn't like the fact that I'm normal and therefore posted against drugs, homosexuality, Muslims, euthanasia, abortion etc and they complained to Facebook who of course supports all these disgusting things so they ban me. My current ban is for 7 days for posting a disgusting photo of 2 women kissing and saying it was disgusting!!! So Facebook ban me for that, for having an opinion. So they ban me simply for having an opinion - now that sounds familiar. Think Germany, pre 2nd World War. Think China, Korea, Russia - communism. Think "1984" by George Orwell. There are many, many other examples. It's all thought control, power, authority by gutless freaks who want to push their own filthy agendas and manipulate people into their way of thinking with fear, abuse, and by shutting down their freedom of expression and their free speech. It's been down countless times in human history by many, many dictators.
They say that love beats hate every time but how come it's still happening? It will always happen, there will always be a dictator and there will always be sheep that allow the dictator to take root and flourish. So Facebook has "punished" me several times just for being normal and trying to express that normality. I've reported so many offensive posts and photos that CLEARLY go against their own terms and conditions yet they never take them down or even agree with me. "Even though the post does not go against our community standards you were right to let us know about it" - how many fucking times have I seen this bullshit? The post/photo in question DOES go against their standards because I've checked but they do nothing and give you this generic crap for an answer. Yet some loathsome little faggot or dyke sitting behind their keyboard can't handle my normality so they send a message to their illuminati masters at Facebook who willingly start the machinations of thought control and ban me. They punish me for daring to speak my mind.
So our society has crumbled since Facebook appeared on the scene. It was already pretty well fucked anyway but the advent of anti-social media has accelerated its downfall. The internet was hailed as a pivotal event in human history and that has proved to be true but for all the wrong reasons.

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