Wednesday 24 April 2019

ANZAC day - what a joke

The 25th of April was always just a day off school for me. I knew what it was about but I really didn't give a shit. People dying in a war that long ago meant nothing to me. The world was obviously different then and people had that whole patriotism thing going and the draft and all that. So I understood it, I just didn't want anything to do with it. Back then school was just a pain in the proverbial and any chance to miss it was gratefully accepted. I used to HATE it when the 25th of April fell on a weekend - no holiday!! I felt cheated, like it was stolen from me. The mind of a child, a young adult. It works differently, priorities are completely around the wrong way.
As the years went on nothing really changed. It became just a day off work instead of school but it still meant holiday!! You could look forward to it, even plan for it if it was a Friday or Monday. The significance of the day never resonated with me. I'm not saying I didn't respect the people who died and what they died for, it was just not me. Similar thing with Waitangi Day - just another day off work(or school when I was young).
So as the 20th century ended and the 21st began I started thinking more about a lot of things. I was getting more and more pissed off at the way humanity was changing. More and more of the disgusting behaviours and traits of humans were becoming more and more accepted. It was getting ridiculous but I still had this naive idea that it was all a blip, that somehow it would all work out and things would go back to normal. Fucking hell was I wrong!!
So anyway ANZAC day became increasing a day for bleating about dead soldiers and pushing the New Zealand angle and reducing the Australian involvement. They probably did a similar thing over there, I don't know. I saw New Zealanders becoming more and more arrogant about the whole day, all of a sudden people were saying it was our "national" day instead of Waitangi. So it just went on every year, then slowly they started trying to include the Turkish element, the very bastards that slaughtered the ANZACs. Now that started to really piss me off. You wouldn't want a German at a holocaust memorial would you? But they were clever - they did it under the banner of "peaceful protest" and "forgiveness" and trying to "move forward". So they pushed the Australians out more and more and included the Turks, the fucking enemy, more and more.
So we get to 2019. So we've had the Christchurch mosque thing, then the Sri Lankan bombings and lo and behold that fucking lying, anti free speech bitch Jacinda Ardern starts adding those events into the narrative. Then Prince William lays a wreath then goes and talks to Muslims in Christchurch. It's sickening.
So I was pretty right all along to ignore the whole ANZAC thing over the course of my life. As happens with most things it's become a political football to be kicked around when our leaders feel like a game. So the core reasons for the entire thing have been diluted and successfully changed through a liberal narrative so the whole day is a joke. Much like Waitangi Day became a joke, in fact a SICK joke to white people of European descent.
I'd rather work an 8 hour day than take those days off now. That's how abhorrent they are to me.

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