Thursday 4 July 2019

Another 7 day ban from Facebook

So today I have been banned again from Facebook. It was for a post from June 12th - yes that's right, today is July 4th - where I posted a comparison photo of Brenton Tarrant at a court appearance(perfectly legal to show, doesn't go against Facebook's standards) and a still from the banned video showing the gunman's face(also not illegal and not remotely against Facebook's standards). The post was asking the members of Right Minds whether they thought it was the same man - that's it, that's all the post was.

So what's the problem Facebook? Nothing in this post goes against your own standards and nothing in it is illegal. So why don't you explain why you think it is worthy of a ban because it clearly isn't? My suspicion is that the police or the government have people spying on Facebook users and pages to try and find something they can ban people for, especially anything to do with the fabricated Christchurch mosque shootings.
Fucking PATHETIC Facebook. You faceless bunch of fucking gutless cunts. You allow extremist Islamic content but you attack anyone posting the truth or their opinion or their support for something you don't like. You spin the great big fucking LIE of white supremacy and anyone with guns as being this big danger to society yet the biggest danger is YOU. That's right, YOU are responsible for stopping open discussion and debate. You just blanket ban anyone with a contrary opinion to your own illuminati agenda.
Mark Zuckerberg - the most dangerous piece of shit since Bill Gates. FUCK YOU

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